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Acting in Space

KUV- / research-project lead by Marion Reuter


I august-september 2018 var jeg del i Marion Reuters forskningsprojekte: Acting in Space, som instruktør, underviser og research-partner, med hovedfokus på hvordan vi kan generere fiktivt materiale med udgangspunkt i vores egen private længsel. Arbejdet omfattede bland andet en workshop med andetårsstuderende på skuespilprogrammet på DDSKS i Aarhus, samt en tekst om mine egne erfareinger af Marion Reuters improvisationsmetode: Karrusel-metoden, og analyse af et tidligere arbejde hvor jeg instrueret Marion i en forestilling på DDSKS København, Sweat Bird of Youth.


Om projektet:


Actor and teacher, Marion Reuter, rewrites classical acting methods in order to develop new approaches to contemporary acting. 

ACTING IN SPACE is a response to the desire often formulated by actors as well as acting students to occasionally be able to escape their own skills. This competence of auto-biographical ‘non-acting’ can be added to the general competences of actors through a critical analysis of how their different forms of presence in stage situations relate to space, i.e. how to ‘share a space’ with an audience in real-time whilst maintaining the possibility of acting in a fictional universe? 
The project explores interactions between body, space and sensation through Marion Reuter’s Carousel method. The overall research question is: How can we provide the actor with a body-space-sensation-related vocabulary, permitting shifts between acting and non-acting?

"At the heart of my artistic work as a teacher is the Carousel. I have coined and developed the Carousel method since 2004 at DDSKS. The method is a training design/model that provides an opportunity for students to engage in all main aspects of the artistic production process on stage. The method explores and teaches a theatrical practice that oscillates between contemplation and embodiment/acting.

I have chosen the Carousel method for this artistic research project because it comprises an exemplary theatrical approach to the dilemma associated with the understanding of the dynamics and the latitude between acting and non-acting and the subject’s self-conquest in the artistic presentation process." - Marion Reuter

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